Monday, 2017-08-28

*** tpb has joined #litesdi00:00
Bertl_oOmithro: too many projects, just like you :)00:22
mithroBertl_oO: links? :-P00:54
felix_no, sdi doesn't really sound like some german word01:03
felix_i don't like fat-sdi; sounds too bloaty01:03
Bertl_oOwhat's the problem with the original lightsdi?02:04
felix_Bertl_oO: using a very very similar name (difference is only a space) for a project in the same area as an already existing device is a really bad idea03:04
tpbTitle: FSI | BoxIO Lite SDI (at
Bertl_oOhas anybody asked them if they have a problem with the name?03:32
RexOrCineCould be a good idea to stand clear of cross contamination. There's the option of putting the 'lite' after SDI, SDI Lite... possibly.03:44
RexOrCineIt's a tough one though. Latin names: Transfer 'Alieno', Speed 'Volo', route 'via', passage 'ianus'... Like Apple iOS, iAnus?03:50
RexOrCineOr LytSDI03:58
Bertl_oOfelix_: IBERT at 5GHz over 5" OSHpark 4-layer plus about 1" on each carrier board through two PCIe connectors and two razor beam connectors gives 3E-14 BER :)04:07
Bertl_oO(i.e. 5Gbps)04:08
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_florent_felix, mithro: if you intend to only support HD, why not liteHDSDI?10:30
_florent_or since SD is already in SDI, liteHDSDI can also support SD...10:31
_florent_or which can do more (HD) can do less (SD) ...10:32
_florent_or just just ask if they care you use the same name10:32
_florent_or make the core part of litevideo? and then with no name?10:32
_florent_as Felix, not sure using "Fat" in the name is a good choice10:33
felix_Bertl_zZ: nice11:09
*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl12:36
*** rohitksingh has joined #litesdi13:14
Kjetilphoton-sdi? Or is it that the other kind of light ? :)16:04
felix_photon-sdi also sounds good16:46
Bertlfor coppper, it's probably more electron-sdi :)16:55
felix_but the camera still captures photons16:56
Bertlbut I can understand that this is not a good name, as those are very lazy16:56
Kjetilthey just need a bit of motivation16:57
Kjetillike remove their air so they suffocate16:58
Bertlnah, doesn't help16:58
KjetilI guess you need a field as well16:59
Bertlof course, but take a copper wire 3mm² area with 10A current, and you get about 0.25mm/s speed17:00
Bertlyeah, that's about a quarter of a milimeter per second17:01
KjetilMaybe they should get out of their rocking chairs17:01
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*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO18:10
felix_finally finished reading the maybe 40 pages from the ministry; now my brain hurts...18:48

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