Saturday, 2017-08-26

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Kjetilpublicsdi? :P10:04
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mithrofelix_: gah, guess we should have check the name before hand23:19
mithrofelix_: I'll put together some alternative names23:20
felix_ok, thx23:22
felix_btw: the idea to put the chip with 1 lvds clock lane and 5 lvds data lanes that outputs 3g sdi on the single axiom extension board likely won't work, since the clock isn't really source synchronous; we would need another lvds pair to do that properly :/23:28
mithroYou mean we need to receive the clock and then generate a source synchronised version?23:33
mithroIs this with the Artix-7 on the expansion board?23:35
felix_that was the idea without the artix7 on the sdi board23:36
mithroOkay, I haven't caught up with how the non-artix7 design would work? I'm assuming the IC is just a SERDES type thing?23:37
felix_but we can't just put a clock chip on the board and route the clock to both fpga and sdi serializer from it; the clocks will have a big skew23:37
felix_when i did the research for the sdi chips list i found that chip and thought that it would be a good candidate for a cheap 3g sdi interface for the axiom that only needs one high speed expansion slot23:38
mithroThat IC is ~$20 USD in 1k quantities!23:38
felix_stil cheaper than putting an artix7 and a maybe 4 euro sdi driver on a board23:39
mithroIIRC can get an Artix-7 15T -1 speed grade with GTP for about ~$15 USD in 1k quantities23:41
mithroI'm on my phone, so can't really check at the moment23:41
felix_ok. iirc that chip is more expensive if you don't order it in a big quantity23:42
mithroThe Atrix price drops pretty fast if you order large quantities23:42
mithroSpecially if you are happy with the -1 speed grade part23:42
felix_i'd really use the CSG325 and not the CPG236 package, since the smaller package will require a more expensive pcb23:43
felix_well, the -1 only support 3g sdi23:43
mithroDigi-Key is about * 2 the price23:43
mithroThat lm part seems to only be 3g too?23:44
mithrofelix_: I'd have to look at it, but normally PCB cost is not a huge factor once you go past 10 units23:45
mithro(unless you need things like blind vias)23:46
mithroAlthough I know the apertus project has some requirements around ethical sourcing23:47
mithroBtw Where did we settle with Dev boards?23:47
felix_0,5mm pitch might require via in pad23:48
felix_iirc we haven't really discussed the devboard thing23:48
mithroYeah, that does get more expensive and also makes construction more expensive23:48
felix_but since we want to have support for at least one easily available fpga devboard, i would really like to develop the sdi support on a fpga devboard with a sdi fmc module and the port it to the custom board23:50
mithrofelix_: Xilinx have a good white paper on "ddr3 low cost PCB for Artix 7"23:50
felix_on the custom board: as a first step we planned to make a base board for the small trenz artix7 module with the sdi driver/equalizer chip to test that part of the design and then do a pcb with that and an artix7 and with a dual axiom connector23:51
mithrofelix_: no argument from me about using an existing known working dev board before doing custom hardware23:51
felix_and porting the design to be able to use a sdi sfp will probably also be quite easy, but not as a first step23:52
mithrofelix_: are these plans documented anywhere apart from IRC logs on this / apertus channel?23:53
felix_yeah, when i was in vienna and talked with herbert and sebastian, we talked about how to develop the sdi core without having to have to buy a big devboard, but since you want support for a big devboard anyway, that's not really a point any more23:54
felix_sadly not; haven't gotten around to document that :/23:54
felix_but those plans are still not 100% finished; i'll try to write down a bit more stuff in the next days23:55
mithroWould be good to have a doc with things just to make sure everyone has similar understanding - happy if it's extremely rough and it's bound to change23:56
felix_yep, before buying any stuff, we really should have a list and at least a rough plan23:57
felix_i'll need the first two weeks to read and understand the sdi spec and learn/get used to migen/litex23:58
felix_maybe a bit less, but as a rough plan23:59

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