Sunday, 2017-08-13

*** tpb has joined #litesdi00:00
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_zZ05:19
RexOrCinemithro: Yeah. Happens all the time this. Earlier today I was communicating with someone who came on all strong in the beginning. When someone is like "Here's my reel" you know they're expecting to get paid.07:24
mithroRexOrCine: Wrong channel :-P07:24
RexOrCineIt's the big puzzle. Video games and mega cringe or public freakout compilations on YouTube are a big pull, and when folks realise there;s work involved...07:26
RexOrCineAye i didn't wanna say that in the main chat.07:26
RexOrCineHe may just have gone on holiday or something. There's that at this time of year.07:27
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*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl14:46
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mithroRexOrCine: so we should get in that LiteSDI announcement now that Sebastian is back23:34

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