Monday, 2014-07-21

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Eloquehello, this an active channel?11:48
Eloquewell at least one other user :)12:04
EloqueI was wondering if anyone could aid with compiling FreeOrion in MacOS, well, not compiling, debugging12:04
planetdunno. Maybe it helps more or faster, if you describe your problem and your solution steps so far in the forums12:11
Eloqueyeah i did just that, but new forum member, so the post has to go through review12:17
kephrapastebin what you did - and the errors you got12:26
kephrai have no idea about MacOS - but sometimes it help to read the errors loud to my dog12:26
Eloquehehe, well, this error is quite simple: main() caught exception(std::runtime_error): Unknown option "-N" was given.12:31
Eloquemain() failed config.12:31
Eloquealthough the binary builds and runs12:31
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