Monday, 2014-01-27

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ADIVIcan anybody see thread new roadmap 2014  ?12:59
ADIVItest colors..13:16
ADIVIcan me anybody confirm that he can not see that thread?13:32
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adrian_broherHey Geoff19:03
adrian_broherdid you know that you deprecated the windows support?19:03
tpb<> (at
GeofftheMedioa bit drastic / presumptuous of me19:04
Nagilum_just a matter of time!19:05
Nagilum_35 years or so..19:05
GeofftheMediomaybe in a decade if nobody's using windows anymore?19:05
ADIVIi did want to express that way kind of doubt that ever happened19:05
adrian_broherbut really19:05
adrian_broherthis guy…19:05
ADIVIdont think personal in that matter ... i read that on my screen ... what ever that means ...19:06
ADIVIand thought  cygwin way could be acceptabe alternative19:06
adrian_broheryes, adivi, i mean YOU19:06
adrian_broherwhere did you even get the idea from?19:07
ADIVIi read he wrote deprecated ... and I dount but proposed alternative which reduce win-related part of code while offer way to build without perhaps without any special win support19:08
ADIVIso statement got not confirmed?19:09
ADIVIor got confirmed19:09
adrian_broherand where exactly did you read the Geoff did deprecate anything?19:09
adrian_broherDo you have a link to that?19:09
ADIVIwith quassel in this channell .. but someone screw up my comm19:09
ADIVIeg i visit forum and slip aside and find mmy ip on blacklist due to spam ...19:10
ADIVIso wondered how i participate before19:11
ADIVIand i read that on my screen  .. trust is zero about comm safety .. but read that19:12
ADIVIother time i fell i talk into empty channel19:12
ADIVIwhole day channel cold .. now echo on post19:12
ADIVIand cold again ,, cant read 100x wtf ..19:14
ADIVIthat level i have  to calc  issues19:16
Nagilum_the Windows version isn't going away anytime soon19:20
ADIVI[27.01.2014 11:20] <Nagilum_> the Windows version isn't going away anytime soon19:20
GeofftheMedioNAgilum_: looks like all the png crushing reduced the full install download by ~12 MB19:25
Nagilum_zopflipng ftw19:26
adrian_broherdid you check if it didn't kill some alpha channel?19:27
ADIVImay sequences for planet animation played reverse?19:27
Nagilum_there should be no visible changes19:27
ADIVIspin reverse19:28
ADIVIthink of plain simple diversication of gear19:28
ADIVIto let planetsys appear somewhat more different19:29
ADIVIalso side flip is cheap for code and work19:29
ADIVIxn-xi  resp tn-ti to reverse in x resp t19:32
ADIVIrotation 90 deg by  rot(x,y) return (y,x)19:32
ADIVIuranus rolls on its orbit19:33
ADIVIbut normal spin dir same for planets .. uranus got accident19:33
Nagilum_hmm, new MacOS builds, time to kick off linux builds19:36
ADIVIbtw build support .. what sounds when note bsd and opensolaris19:37
ADIVIwelcome together  with those who can?19:37
Nagilum_you really need to work on your english, its mostly incomprehensible to me19:38
ADIVIwhen i use terms solaris and bsd as other represents of class - next to osx -  ... what reaction do these cause in context with  port/suppor/build ?19:40
Nagilum_it's going to fail, I'm pretty certain19:40
Nagilum_for solaris you probably would already fail at the prerequisuites19:41
ADIVIwhich are? posix?19:41
Nagilum_Windows, Linux, MacOS are supported19:41
Nagilum_of the prerequisuites.. try compiling bullet or ogre on Solaris19:42
Nagilum_should be ogre1.8 and not 1.919:43
adrian_broherNagilum_, now that you mention ogre1.9. Do you ask for a particular reason?19:43
Nagilum_but FreeBSD would be a much better platform to invest energy into19:44
Nagilum_adrian_broher: no19:44
adrian_broher> FreeBSD19:44
adrian_brohergood one19:44
Nagilum_if it builds there it should easy to port to the rest19:44
adrian_broherI almost believed you19:44
adrian_broherbut seriously. Did anyone just try to kick off a build on those platforms?19:45
Nagilum_Port:   ogre3d-1.8.119:45
Nagilum_Path:   /usr/ports/graphics/ogre3d19:45
Nagilum_I did19:46
ADIVIthere exist open-solaris derivate with linux useland .. what means a lot of gpl stuff proved to work there19:46
Nagilum_Port:   bullet-2.77_119:46
Nagilum_Path:   /usr/ports/devel/bullet19:46
adrian_broherNagilum_, and what were the results?19:47
adrian_broherdid it work?19:47
Nagilum_no it didn't19:47
adrian_broherwhat were missing? dependencies or problems with the code itself?19:47
Nagilum_I think with the code itself19:48
ADIVIwhat means itself?19:48
ADIVIlib or non-lib?19:48
adrian_brohergab es probleme mit abhängigkeiten oder mit dem quellcode von freeorion.19:49
Nagilum_hmm, now that I've kicked off the Linux builds I need my cores and memory, I'll update make fbsd VM and check again when finished19:49
Nagilum_adrian_broher: mit dem quellcode19:49
adrian_broherDas war für ADIVI gedacht.19:49
Nagilum_ah .-)19:49
Nagilum_I'll stick to english then19:50
Nagilum_ enthält auch so n beispiel19:50
tpb<> (at
ADIVIas i joined first time freenode  ADM was occupied19:51
ADIVII took ADIVI as virtual same looking id19:51
Nagilum_that code there in its original expects one of the supported platforms to be defined19:51
ADIVIADM means thus same and is shorter and refers to adamant19:51
adrian_broherNagilum_, you also need to take a look at util/Process.cpp19:53
adrian_broheryou will find a similar construct there and there is not fbsd implementation for process handling.19:54
adrian_brohersame goes for util/Directories.cpp19:54
Nagilum_I would think the linux version should work in most cases19:54
adrian_broherI'm sure fbsd doesn't know /proc/self/exe19:55
Nagilum_ah well, I could mount linuxprocfs19:56
Nagilum_or redirect to /proc/curproc/file19:57
adrian_broheris that the fbsd equivalent?19:57
Nagilum_ls -l /proc/curproc/file19:58
Nagilum_lr--r--r--  1 root  wheel  0 Jan 27 20:58 /proc/curproc/file -> /bin/ls19:58
GeofftheMediothere's already some bsd specific code in InitbinDir20:00
GeofftheMedio#ifdef __FreeBSD__20:00
GeofftheMedio        int mib[4];20:00
GeofftheMedio        mib[0] = CTL_KERN;20:00
GeofftheMedio        mib[1] = KERN_PROC;20:00
GeofftheMedio        mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PATHNAME;20:00
GeofftheMedio        mib[3] = -1;20:00
GeofftheMedio        size_t buf_size = sizeof(buf);20:00
GeofftheMedio        sysctl(mib, 4, buf, &buf_size, 0, 0);20:00
GeofftheMediobuf is used in the following code20:00
adrian_broheruhh, nasty20:00
adrian_broherGeofftheMedio, do you know why there is this SignalsAndSlots wrapper in the GG code?20:03
GeofftheMedio\file SignalsAndSlots.h \brief Contains the Connect() functions, which20:04
GeofftheMedio    simplify the connection of boost signals and slots.20:04
adrian_broherConnect(Signal, &Handler) seems hardly more complex than Signal.connect(&Handler)20:05
GeofftheMedioit makes the signal connects a little more consistent in appearance...20:06
Nagilum_or maybe also upgrade to boost signals2 :>20:08
GeofftheMedioI think it's on his list?20:08
Nagilum_no idea20:09
adrian_broherthat's why I'm asking.20:09
ADIVIcedicate  object: OOP: Connect(Signal, &Handler) seems hardly more complex than Signal.connect(&Handler)20:10
ADIVIsubject precedicate  object: OOP: Connect(Signal, &Handler) seems hardly more complex than Signal.connect(&Handler)20:10
Nagilum_at the moment I see no pressing reason as the latest boost still works fine20:11
GeofftheMediothere was some issue with signals120:11
GeofftheMediowas discussion on the forums20:11
GeofftheMediodon't remember the details20:11
GeofftheMedioat the least, I gather it's depricated?20:11
ADIVIno sorry .. something eat some letters20:11
adrian_broher"<Nagilum_> at the moment I see no pressing reason as the latest boost still works fine" g++ is screaming 'DEPRECATED!!' in my face.20:12
adrian_broherSo instead of defining BOOST_SIGNALS_NO_DEPRECATION_WARNING and forgetting it I'm doing this now.20:14
ADIVIwhat ratio of super nova is normal for young galaxy?20:16
ADIVIcan here see not the black from cosmos due to nebulas everywhere..20:16
Nagilum_you can disbale the nebula in the graphic options20:17
ADIVIi would disable the nova20:19
ADIVII try to send you screenshot to describe the problem20:19
ADIVItx complete?20:20
ADIVIdid transmission complete?20:21
ADIVIguesss about 200 Supernova20:21
Nagilum_looks weird20:22
ADIVIwired looks normal20:22
ADIVIguess of sn proportional to starsys with well suited planets .. large remain only when tilt excentric .. or may be toxic20:28
Nagilum_maybe save the game and try the linux version?20:30
ADIVIgame is in init state turn++20:30
ADIVIwith takeover20:30
ADIVIand galaxy gen with age=young20:32
ADIVIi wonder that final collapse does not happen on turn 3 :D20:33
ADIVIdoc for fo20:36
ADIVIplayers know moderate well planets of sol sys20:37
ADIVIwe could create doc that specify these planets in scope of  fo terminilogy .. resp ... i wondered what barren is but found its like moon20:38
ADIVIand i am rather familar with space matters20:38
ADIVII know terrain called barren20:39
ADIVIbut moon is not just barren  but have number of specials i dont see covered by barren20:40
ADIVIregolith i mean20:40
* Nagilum_ would consider a regolith made landscape pretty barren :>20:41
Nagilum_current svn version looks fine here btw.20:41
ADIVIit is rather barren due to  there is no atmosphere and thus water vapor20:42
ADIVIif not freezed .20:42
ADIVIvery cold but that regolith is extreme fine construction material20:42
ADIVImar is barren20:44
ADIVImars is barren20:45
ADIVIit does not matter according to my introducing words what you or me think about - I proposed Planetology-Document according to free-orion-Idea .. so I just point to doc and not my personal meaning what barren is or what it is not ..  free orion idea is that mooon is barren and that is something  i can deal20:48
ADIVImy propose contains also to take terra's starsys resp solsys as reference20:50
ADIVIas we can put any words aside and say that is oceanic ...  btw earth by surface share more oceanic than terristic20:51
ADIVIthat means .... that we could take theoretically earth as example for oceanic and can reason that .. while mars is terristic but barren .... that some drips there is no amount - moon has about same at poles20:54
ADIVImercury is surely inferno, lead melts there20:56
ADIVIfor toxic.. dealt in a thread .. regolith is eg really toxic if we take chemical reactions as rule as poison is not way of green but substances which cause damage to our bodies .. that does regolith for sure.20:58
ADIVIthat means i wonder how to interprete the toxic matter in scope of free orion ...what toxics are factored in into FO toxics and then I could see if planet or moon in solsys could represent fo-toxic planet21:00
ADIVIio is inferno as well21:00
ADIVIwhat should cause SuperTesterSite  obvious aside of reveal Map?21:52
ADIVIresearch,, production=21:52
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