Saturday, 2013-02-23

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gvdmok, remind me again, I've built GG into a local-non-standard prefix, and I want to tell cmake to build FreeOrion looking for GG there11:54
gvdmCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH does not work like I thought it would11:56
gvdmif (GIGI_FOUND)11:58
gvdm    include_directories(${GIGI_INCLUDE_DIR})11:58
gvdmelse ()11:58
gvdm    message(FATAL_ERROR "GiGi library not found.")11:58
gvdmendif ()11:58
gvdmin CMakeLists.txt11:58
gvdmbut, umm11:58
gvdmwhere does find_package search?11:59
Nagilum_GIGI_INCLUDE_DIR ?11:59
Nagilum_no idea11:59
Nagilum_I only know make11:59
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gvdmok, I've found the cmake/FindGiGi.cmake - I'm assuming I can simply set the dirs in there12:06
gvdmset(GIGI_FOUND true)12:09
gvdmset(GIGI_LIBRARIES /home/gvdm/local/lib)12:09
gvdmset(GIGI_INCLUDE_DIR /home/gvdm/local/include)12:09
gvdmat the end of FindGiGi.cmake is not enough12:10
gvdmhmm, this may have to do with pkgconfig not knowing about my home dir12:10
EXetoCso not GIGI_INCLUDE_DIR as an argument? shouldn't have to modify the files12:11
EXetoCwell, you specified the path to the home dir12:11
gvdmyep, and cmake ran further, only to complain12:11
gvdmCMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.12:12
gvdmPlease set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:12:12
gvdmso I now need to set that too, only, I have no idea what it should point to12:12
gvdmsam as GIGI_LIBRARIES?12:12
gvdmok... seems to be making, i'll let you all know in an hour or two12:20
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EXetoCan hour eh? good thing I upgraded12:33
EXetoCisn't anyone playing against humans? or just not through IRC?12:35
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gvdmundefined references to `adobe::version_1::name_t::name_t(char const*)'12:53
gvdmwhat? adobe?12:53
gvdmwhere is that from? does adobe right named code for boost?12:53
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gvdmi got to linking CXX executable freeoriond and then that12:54
gvdmseems to be in a whole bunch of functions it is referenced, empire stuff (get, set)12:55
gvdmadobe::version_1::name_t::name_t(char const*)'12:55
gvdmdoesn't even look like a real  function12:55
EXetoCreal function?12:56
EXetoCit's apparently a string type12:57
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gvdmhas anyone else come across undefined references to `adobe::version_1::name_t::name_t(char const*)' while compiling13:11
gvdmgoogle gives me nothing13:11
gvdmwell, something which looks similar but isn't ->
tpbTitle: New Paste | LodgeIt! (at
gvdmAdamParser stuff there13:12
gvdmwith me its a whole buncha undefined references in Effect.cpp (and also one in ValueRef)13:13
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gvdmis adobe a boost thing?13:22
gvdmalso, this connection sucks so I don't know what got through to the channel and what didn't, here's a quick recap13:22
gvdmwhen compiling, specifically linking CXX executable freeoriond, I get numerous undefined references to `adobe::version_1::name_t::name_t(char const*)'13:23
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EXetoCvurma: hallå!13:57
vurmaVad �r upp? :314:16
EXetoCInte nedåt iaf14:17
EXetoCok back 2 english :> have you played this yet?14:18
vurmaGave it  a shot some half a year ago.14:18
vurmaThen fell back to Eve online. Still stuck there.14:18
vurmaJust idling around atm.14:20
EXetoCIf only there were any MMOs where you couldn't play more than an hour or so per day :p14:23
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EXetoCvurma: ping me if you want to pwn me in FO!14:40
vurmaSure will :314:40
vurmaAnd im probably the one that will get pwnd.14:41
EXetoCI've only been playing for about an hour, but we'll see14:41
EXetoCvurma: now? forget about EVE; 3D is so overrated!15:06
vurmaNah not atm. Im going to do some programming i think :315:07
vurmaWould be cool to see whats up with FO. May have time the coming week.15:07
vurmaSome stuff i have been wanting to try out in Clojure for a while. Finally have time for it.15:08
EXetoCyou can play it at the same time though, which is nice, but yeah it's still a little distracting I guess :p15:09
vurmaIt if had emacs support i might be up for that though.15:12
EXetoCwhat, FO? :D15:13
EXetoCso, are you studying CS or something at UU?15:14
vurmaI was le joking ^^15:18
vurmaI take some programming courses atm, yes. Mostly iv been studying chemistry.15:18
vurmaWere are you located?15:19
vurma(said the guy who was to lazy for a whois)15:20
EXetoCdid you only want to know which country then? because I've been speaking swedish already :>15:22
vurmaQuite a vibrant programming community there i bet. Lots of stuff up on meetup. Makes me envious ^^15:24
vurmaEXetoC, been to the hackerspace over there?15:27
EXetoCcommunity? ok. been working alone way too much15:29
vurmaStudying CS yourself? What you working on?15:34
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EXetoCgvdm: not going well?15:37
EXetoCvurma: no, I've given up on school15:44
EXetoCjust some not-so-interesting game engine code15:44
vurmaApparently interesting enough for someone to work on it ^^15:44
EXetoCyeah, nothing like liking your own projects!15:48
vurmaHeh.. yeah..15:49
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EXetoCStranger: wazzzaaaa17:30
StrangerUh huh..17:33
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EXetoCwhere the party at?19:16
STalKer-X_cmust be the 10 year anniversary for idling here, soon.19:23
STalKer-X_cfor me, that is19:23
EXetoCno way19:31
EXetoCor maybe it's true. searched for 2003 in the wiki and it turned up something19:32
EXetoCthat's a long time19:32
EXetoChas much changed since then? :>19:33
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EXetoCSTalKer-X_c: :-)19:51
STalKer-X_cmore people.19:52
STalKer-X_cFO still unplayable :DD19:52
EXetoCSTalKer-X_c: unbalanced or something?19:53
EXetoCI've only played 40 rounds or something like that against bots19:53
STalKer-X_chaven't played it for years :p19:54
STalKer-X_ci need to invest in ram for my laptop :DD19:55
EXetoCyou don't even have enough for FO? not good :p19:59
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STalKer-X_cnot for compiling :)20:10
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EXetoCSTalKer-X_c: oh. a new version was released only 3 days ago though20:13
STalKer-X_ci know :)20:13
STalKer-X_cbit i also played moo3 again :p20:13
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STalKer-X_coh :)20:54
EXetoCwut :p21:07
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cizraHi guys! What does it mean when a planet is striped? I can't invade those. Are they shielded too well?21:44
cizraWhat can I do to change this?21:44
EXetoCnot many people are actually active here21:45
EXetoCbut GeofftheMedio should know :-)21:45
Nagilum_its stealth is too high21:47
Nagilum_you need to either research more intelligence stuff or build a scanning facility nearby or something21:48
cizraHmm, OK. I thought stealth prevents getting information -- I can get the information just fine.21:49
STalKer-X_cstop making me want to play FO21:51
STalKer-X_cwow, 180mb :)21:52
cizraWhich tech lets one build OrbitalShields?21:53
GeofftheMediocirza: planets with scanlines are stealthy, and you can't detect what's on them21:58
GeofftheMedioI think orbital shields are just a ship design the AI makes. no single tech unlocks them. you have to unlock the hull and parts and make a similar design.21:59
cizraGeofftheMedio: OK. Is the displayed info old then?
cizraAhh, thanks about OrbitalShields!22:01
GeofftheMediothe latest info your empire knows about an object is displayed22:01
cizraOK. How can I mitigate this without lots of research? Build a couple of scout ships?22:03
GeofftheMedioif you alraedy have ships in the system, you probably need to improve the empire detection level22:03
GeofftheMedionot necessarily lots of research, but probably some22:03
cizraAha. Stuff like Active Radar etc. Thanks!22:05
cizraSo what exactly do shields do on a planet? Completely prevent invasion? Kill off a percentage of the incoming troops?22:08
GeofftheMedioprevent invasion, prevent ship attacks from reducing defense and infrastructure22:08
EXetoCanyone wanna pwn me?22:10
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EXetoCdid the message that I sent a minute ago reach teh internets?22:11
cizraFreeOrion is rather slow )= Things like moving ships around fleets takes unreasonably long.22:14
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EXetoCcizra: that and the slight mouse lag are the only annoyances I've encountered IIRC22:17
cizraEXetoC: Turn processing takes time too, with standard settings. I haven't seen any mouse lag, though.22:18
GeofftheMedioif you have fps issues / mouse latency, try disabling galaxy gas and starfields rendering22:26
GeofftheMedioand try optimized system rendering on or off22:26
EXetoCmy frame rate is quite high already, but I'll give it a go22:28
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STalKer-X_cis there no "repeat queue until i cancel it" option?22:40
GeofftheMedio99 should suffice22:40
STalKer-X_clol, ok :p22:41
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EXetoCthe frame rate went up by very little, so that can't be the issue. maybe it has something to do with the render loop22:42
EXetoCit helped, though22:42
GeofftheMediothe frame rate has something to do with the render loop you say?22:42
STalKer-X_ci see GeofftheMedio has a good day today :)22:45
EXetoCno, the mouse lag. the frame rate is already sufficiently high22:46
EXetoCbut whatever22:46
STalKer-X_coh, build queue is globally22:48
Nagilum_well, yes and no22:51
Nagilum_the view is globally22:51
Nagilum_but stuff is build where you queued it22:51
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STalKer-X_cNagilum_: yes, but PP queue is global23:09
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STalKer-X_cif you build 10 things on one planet and something on another planet it won't start that until the first 10 things are done.23:10
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STalKer-X_cno i fly around with my colony ship until i see a habitable planet :D23:13
Nagilum_STalKer-X_c: only if they are supply line connected ;)23:17
STalKer-X_cconfusing :D23:18
STalKer-X_ci need a bigger screen :x 1024x768 is too small23:18
EXetoCno shit!! :p23:19
Nagilum_STalKer-X_c: exploring with a colony ship is kinda risky though23:20
STalKer-X_cNagilum_: well... how do i know if i can colonize a planet if i am not in the system with a colony ship? ;o23:21
Nagilum_send a scout23:21
EXetoCscouts? lame :>23:23
Nagilum_thats what they're for..23:24
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EXetoCI'm not helping. Should do something else instead :-)23:25
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