Sunday, 2009-01-11

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JoeVectorIs FreeOrion still alive?01:31
GeofftheMediodepends on your definition of alive, but v0.3.11 was released yesterday01:31
JoeVectorAh, nice.01:32
JoeVectorI guess it is then.01:32
JoeVectorJust wanted to be sure. :)01:32
GeofftheMedioit's been a rough 24 hours.01:32
GeofftheMediowell, I sarcastically assume that's why you needed to make sure01:33
JoeVectorOh... no, I don't know much about the game really.01:34
JoeVectorI found about it months ago and wanted to see if any progress had been made.01:35
GeofftheMedioah, ok then.  answer: yes01:36
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schmichaelso the production queue is global?02:36
schmichaeli have 2 planets and i'm having trouble queueing production on the 2nd02:36
GeofftheMedioif it's a ship, you need a shipyard there02:37
schmichaeli can't seem to queue a shipyard02:37
schmichaelhm, i just queued a 2nd lighthouse though02:37
GeofftheMedioare you trying to queue a not available building?02:38
schmichaelstrange, now queueing the shipyard worked02:38
schmichaeli think perhaps i hadn't selected the planet properly02:38
GeofftheMedioit has to have a white circle to be selected.02:38
schmichaelit had that (on the main map)02:38
GeofftheMedio(we need a better planet selection indicator)02:38
schmichaelbut it didn't let me select production until i expand the planet building list02:38
GeofftheMedioare these planets in the same system?02:39
schmichaelthe left production queue window seems to be global, yet the expandable building list on the right displays things as i would expect per planet02:40
GeofftheMedioI'm not sure what you mean by expandable building list02:41
GeofftheMedioevery building is built at a particular location (planet)02:41
GeofftheMedioand there is an icon on the sidepanel under the planet where something is being built to show that it's being built there02:42
schmichaelselect a system, then click the double down arrow next to the planet (far right)02:42
schmichaelyeah, i guess its just the left production sidepanel that confuses me02:42
schmichaelno matter where i queue production, it shows up in that list02:42
GeofftheMediothat's the global production queue02:42
GeofftheMedioyou use it to prioritize prodution items02:43
GeofftheMediothe queue items should say "At LocationName" on them, but nobody's gotten around to adding it yet02:43
schmichaelmakes sense, thanks :)02:44
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kroddnoMobilCan you provide an emailadress to me?06:40
GeofftheMediomy email?06:40
GeofftheMedioor ?06:41
kroddnoMobilsee query06:42
kroddnoMobilhm - did deactivate download couting? Or where can I see how many people downloaded a version?06:43
GeofftheMedioI was wondering about that myself... dunno where it went06:44
kroddnoMobilyou can activate that over "Options" (to the right above a release name)06:45
kroddnoMobilBut we have 0 downloads ats all, to both versions...06:45
GeofftheMedioit takes a day or two to update06:45
kroddnoMobilbut the windows release two days old, or did you upload a new version?06:46
GeofftheMedioclick the 0 for the windows release.  there's a chart that's definitely nonzero at some times starting after the release.06:47
GeofftheMedioI guess the total takes longer to update06:47
GeofftheMedioand so does the chart, since it shows zero downloads for the linux version, although I know schmichael at least has downloaded it06:48
kroddnoMobilthe linux version will be updated tomorrow i think06:51
kroddnoMobilbuggy sf ^^06:51
kroddnoMobilnow lets see what  OndrejR has done...06:57
kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: What exactly has OndrejR changed? Whats that encyclopedia thing?07:14
GeofftheMediothe box that displays info about buildings or techs or ship parts or hulls or (now) designs when one of them is clicked07:15
GeofftheMediopreviously there was a specialized building detail panel, but now the production screen uses the multi-purpose encyclopedia detail panel07:15
kroddnoMobilbut you cannot see differences, can you?07:16
GeofftheMediokroddn: use std::endl instead of "\n"07:38
GeofftheMedioalso, indent four spaces, not two07:38
GeofftheMediosvn commit logs don't seem to recognize \n either.07:39
kroddnoMobilyes, next time i'll use an editor when committing08:32
kroddnoMobilshell I commit the formatting and \n changes or do you do that in your next commit?08:34
kroddnoMobilin util/Order.cpp there are \n too08:35
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kroddnoMobilGeofftheMedio: I researched everything, but Nuclear Missiles are still shown as unavailable in Design Window10:04
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schmichael(channel topic needs updating)20:14
GeofftheMedioI don't suppose you know how to do that?20:15
schmichaelby a channel operator20:15
GeofftheMediohow do I check who is a channel operator?20:15
schmichaelhm, talking to ChanServ right now20:16
schmichaeltyreth was the founder20:16
schmichaelso he has op20:16
schmichael^ both of them are also ops it looks like20:17
GeofftheMediohow are you checking this?20:17
schmichael/q ChanServ access #freeorion list20:18
GeofftheMediowhen I type that, ther'es no response20:19
GeofftheMediosame as when i type /topic test in a new channel I created (to test)20:19
schmichaeltry /msg instead of /q20:20
schmichael/q might be an irssi shortcut20:20
schmichael(irssi being my irc client)20:20
GeofftheMedioah.. that did something...20:20
GeofftheMediohowever "/topic test" just gets me an error message: test That channel doesn't exist20:21
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GeofftheMediomy summoning spell has completed!20:21
tyrethWha...?  Where am I?20:22
GeofftheMedioguess those reagents were fresh20:22
schmichaeltyreth: channel topic just needs updating :)20:25
tyrethI know I used to type a command to give myself ops20:25
tyrethI don't remember it though20:25
schmichael/q ChanServ op #freeorion tyreth20:25
schmichael(or perhaps /msg)20:25
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o tyreth20:26
*** tyreth sets mode: +o GeofftheMedio20:26
tyrethSo, I'm not sure if that makes you permanently an op Geoff, or just until you log off?20:26
schmichael/q access #freeorion add GeofftheMedio20:26
schmichaeli think20:26
schmichael/q ChanServ ...20:26
tyrethDon't think that worked20:27
schmichaelmessage "help access" to ChanServ20:27
tyrethI'm using /msg20:27
tyrethok I think that worked20:27
tyrethGeoff, got newfound powers?20:27
GeofftheMedioI'm an op now, but I'm still not on the list given by /msg chanserv #freeorion list20:27
schmichaeltyreth: it worked20:28
schmichaelGeofftheMedio: i see you on the list20:28
tyrethwhat's exact syntax to view that list?20:28
schmichael/msg ChanServ access #freeorion list20:28
tyrethSo you appear there Geoff20:30
GeofftheMediowhen I try to register the channel or do much of anything else it says I'm not logged in20:31
schmichaelGeofftheMedio: ah, you need to talk to NickServ20:31
schmichaeland register your nick20:31
schmichaelauthentication was kind of bolted onto IRC :-/20:32
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GeofftheMediois there a list of the flags in the access list, and a way to change them?20:35
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o kroddn20:36
tyreth-ChanServ- 4     GeofftheMedio          +votriA [modified 8 minutes, 43 seconds ago]20:36
tyrethThat's what I see20:36
GeofftheMedioright, but why do litium and preneid get some extra letters?20:36
GeofftheMedioI think the F for you is founder20:36
tyrethI don't know20:36
GeofftheMediobut I don't know what the others mean20:36
tyrethI do know "votria" sounds cooler than "votsrira"20:36
tyrethYou summoned me though, so I will type what you command20:37
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Latest Release v0.3.11 - Ask questions in the forums at"20:37
schmichaelv = use voice commands, o = op/deop, s = set command, i = invite, r = kick/ban commands, R = recover/clear commands, f = modify access list, t = topic, A = view access list, F = founder/full access, b = automatic kickban20:38
schmichael^ irc flags20:38
tyrethSo we want you to have f, Geoff20:38
schmichael/msg ChanServ flags #freeorion GeofftheMedio +f20:39
schmichaeli think20:39
schmichaelalso, most irc clients have tab completion for nicks20:40
tyrethOk that worked20:40
schmichaelso you can just type "G<tab>" and it outputs GeofftheMedio for you20:40
tyrethYeah I know20:40
schmichaelk, i'd hate to think someone was typing out GeofftheMedio every time ;-)20:40
tyrethheheh, no :)20:40
GeofftheMedioit's not that hard... geoffthemedio geoffthemedio geoffthemedio...20:40
* schmichael is lazy20:41
GeofftheMediocan I get some +s and +R action as well?20:41
schmichael+* will add all flags except +F and +b20:41
tyrethhow can I remove someone entirely from list?20:42
schmichael/msg ChanServ access #freeorion del nick_to_remove20:42
GeofftheMedioI did /msg chanserv flags #freeorion lithiummongoose -*20:43
GeofftheMedioand that seems to have worked20:43
schmichaelany of the devs in the portland, or or palo alto, ca areas?  i'll buy you a beer :)20:45
schmichaeler, if you're over 2120:45
GeofftheMediotyreth is on another continent20:45
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o GeofftheMedio20:47
tyretha continent that is not split into various countries20:47
schmichaeloh no!  an aussie?!20:47
tyrethYeah :)20:47
schmichaelwell i'll just have to enjoy your free beer for you20:49
tyrethwell, I'm going to log off again now.  I think you're all set now, GeofftheMedio?20:52
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