Monday, 2008-07-07

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IcemangGeoffTheMedio, 2624 does indeed build the colonies properly.  Thanks again for the fix!00:09
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Icemang-A-OKGeoffTheMedio, the colonies build just fine in 2624.01:27
GeoffTheMediogood to hear01:32
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lokhi there12:32
loki've got a little question does freeorion svn could be compiled with boost 1.35?12:35
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toresbeFree Orion with every purchase of a Datsun!13:03
* toresbe joins the channel sort of like a "remember to try it after work since it looks awesome" post-it.13:04
toresbeIt's not online, is it?13:06
toresbeas in, it's not online multiplayer, I mean.13:06
GeoffTheMedioyou can do multiplayer games over a network.  it should work over the internet, although I don't think that's been tested much.13:14
GeoffTheMediolok: yes, as of yesterday, freeorion on svn requires boost 1.3513:14
lokok so i thnik i've got a problem the compilation failed for me with boost 1.35 and gigi svn13:15
GeoffTheMediowindows or linux?13:16
lokthe version of GIGI delivered with freeorion is the same as gigi SVn i supposed13:16
GeoffTheMedioyou have the latest svn?  (updated in the last 6 hours or so)13:16
GeoffTheMedioshould be13:17
lokyes i've got the latest version of freeorion and i've made my gigi update yesterday13:17
GeoffTheMedioyesterday might not be soon enough.  I mean 6 hours, not 1613:17
loki've try to upadte Gigi but my gigi is up to date13:18
GeoffTheMediook, then what's the problem?  I might be able to help (though no guarantees)13:19
loki've got a very strange message and very long13:19
lokit's talk about instantiated problem13:20
lokis there a freeorion dump channel in order to paste long error message?13:20
GeoffTheMediojust post it here.  it's not like there's a lot of traffic you'll be interrupting...13:21
lokarg it's a very very long message i warn you13:21
GeoffTheMedioyou sad that...13:21
lokarg the message is to long for xchat i have to paste it in many piece13:22
lokthere is an internet site where it's possible to paste such message but i've forgot the name arg13:22
GeoffTheMediojust post the first part.  most of it is probably just meaningless template junk13:23
lokhere the full error message13:23
GeoffTheMediowhat compiler and version?13:25
lokgcc 4.2.3 and scons 0.98.413:26
GeoffTheMediodid you run "scons configure" before "scons" ?13:26
GeoffTheMedioafter updating boost13:26
lokyes i've run it13:26
lokand no problem everything seems ok13:27
lokthe config log is here13:28
lokbefore compilling freeorion i've made a scons --clean; then scons configure and then scons13:31
GeoffTheMediodid you do the same for gigi?13:31
lokyes coz before gigi wasn't compiling with boost 1.3513:32
GeoffTheMedioI think you're supposed to "scons install", not just "scons" for gigi13:33
loki've made a scons install  ^^13:33
lokfor gigi13:33
GeoffTheMediohmm.  well, I don't know what the problem is.  I suggest you post about this on the compile forum at freeorion.org13:33
lokok i will post a thread13:34
lokthanks a lot GeoffTheMedic13:34
GeoffTheMedioMediO not Medic13:34
loklol that's a joke ^^13:35
GeoffTheMediooh... over my head, apparently.13:36
lokbut i'm french soi maybe a french joke ^^13:36
GeoffTheMediowell, I sort of tried to perform triage there, so I can see how it could make sense, but in practice it just looked like you misread my name13:36
lokin french a medic is someone who heal people; you've try to "cure" my compilling problem that's all13:40
GeoffTheMedioyes, I got that13:41
GeoffTheMediomedic means that same thing in english13:41
loki've posted a neww topic on the freeorion forum13:46
tpb<> (at
loki have to go away tx  a lot and have a good day13:56
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